
Fan comments on the Death Trip album by Alien Sex Fiend

Death Trip by Alien Sex Fiend


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Death Trip logo

Mrs Fiend

More fun cannot be had (on this planet) without actually getting arrested - Jett, USA


Excellent! Sam Raimi springs to mind during several tracks, in fact if he doesn't call you to use Land of the Living Dead in a film, then I give up - Andy W, UK

Just heard the Death Trip previews on Amazon - am about to explode in anticipation! Sounds AMAAAAAZING!! It's like a greatest hits or something!?! All the best bits of ASF through the ages, with a side order of NOW! High-fives (turned up to eleven) all round! P.S. - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHH!!!! - Barry, Eire

The new CD is fabulous (like the old days).When I hear "Death Trip" my brain enters a new therapy psychedelic, it looks like I'm in a crazy hospital. Greetings - Vitor, Portugal

Just received my record, it looks totally rad, thanks. It's definitely a Musical Death Trip, well worth buying.  Rock on! - Goat, USA.

I got the CD - THANKS. I LOVE it !!!! BRILLIANT - CyberAndy, UK

Got the new cd! the new album is ficking stonking  great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it love it land of the loving dead - Brad, US

Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Fiend for this Great new Record and the Ltd. Edition - Mike, Germany

Arrived on Saturday - and on heavy rotation ever since - oops just read the warnings on the LP.... Andrew, UK

Land of the Living Dead and Dance of the Dead are my current faves and will no doubt turn out even better live. Love the way LotLD goes all James Bond-esque as it picks up momentum and helped me get up a couple of big hills on my run today - title track for the next Bond film? ??? Andrew, UK

I love it!!! Received my CD and Vinyl today! AWESOME! Listened 3 times already! I'll be spinning the Jesus out of this! - David, Canada

I had a preview of the death trip on Itunes.... it sounds unbelievable... like the 'real' tapes from your early start.... wow - Andy, Germany

I got my LP last week. Absolutely love it! I may have to book a trip to Paris to see ASF on tour :) - Jim, US

Got it on Sat and bloody good it is too :-) Can't stop playing it, light years ahead of most of the bands today - Malc, UK

The vinyl arrived thank you very much; it looks great and sounds even better - Richard, UK

I think "Land of the Living Dead" is going to be a hit. I get physically excited just hearing it and it makes me want to party! There is something very familiar and yet very new about Land of the Living Dead -- horrifying and yet comforting. I must have listened to it about 10 or 15 times since yesterday - David, Canada

pass on congrats on an excellent album , took me back to the beginning , real class, cheers - shaun

Just played CD, my wife told me to shut the door !! W, UK

new stuff is fuckin cool....love it!! - Dominic, Germany

Vinyl is here! So fxxxxxg great! - Tom via MySpace

I love the new album, i have it on my iPod and can't wait to listen to it live. Greetz - Ihde, Germany

Great stuff, have not put the LP away yet as I think the cover is amazing & really deserves to be hanging on the wall!  - Andy D, UK

yeeeesssss....what a great album. can`t stop listening. it`s kind of back to the roots. all songs kickin`ass, but "land of the living dead" will be part of my "all times fave 5 songs" Marci, Germany

A fucking awesome album, guys! One for everyone!  Enjoy the fall out from this priceless gift to the world. 'Death Trip' harks back to my own favourite period, with the trippy, filmic quality of 'Another Planet' and 'Curse'. With comic strip horror, B-Movie Zombies and Sci-Fi, Voodoo and hypnotic sounds, this album is actually quite likely to do what it says on the box. By the way, definitely a welcome return of the guitar here...- Paul, UK

Pure classic Sex Fiend! ... it's the best record they've made since the 80's - Mick Mercer, UK (full review)

I am LOVING the album! - Chris, USA

I've just listened to the limited edition of your last album; I'm still in love... Keep on rockin'. - Vince, Switzerland

I liked it when I first heard it and it's grown on me a lot...Love "Land of the living dead" and " One way ticket" especially. "BBFC"....I laughed so hard I swear a spoonful of wee came out. - Harvey XX UK

You have GOT to hear this on vinyl!!! - Dave, UK

One Way Ticket is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard - Sven via MySpace

"Death Trip" is a great peace of work, ceativity and love. It is a "Kaufbefehl", which means a command to buy, in my "world" - Torge, Germany

Love Death Trip! this is one of their best efforts ever, and easily my favorite album of the year, so far - Don, USA

they're back and they're as great as they ever were -Sean, UK

Hell yeah! I've got this album already & it's amazing!! - Cynthia via MySpace

DEATH TRIP - really surprising delightful album!!! Megatons of joyful impressions!!! The greatest creation of ALIEN SEX FIEND for last 15 years!!!!!! ULTRAPSYCHEDELICSUPERRRRRRRRRRRTRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Many thanks for this great LP!!!!- Wjacheslaw from Belarus

Monstrously enjoyable, with added X-rated factor - Kris Needs, UK (full review)

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